Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fossil Pictures Homework Due 9/24

Jaclyn Salevsky WhiteB3

I would classify this fossil as molds and casts. I say this because if it looks like the fossil dissolves out of the rock, and then it made a hollow depression in the rock, which is a mold. A mold shows it's original shape which you see in the picture. Cast which is also part of the fossil is the copy or original fossil.

I would classify this fossil as the original remains. I say this because this insect is preserved entirely. This fossil also looks like it has been trapped in resin. Resin comes for a tree, a type of sap comes out and gets the insects caught inside. ---->

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Science Homework Due 9/22

Create a post on your blog.  In the body of the post, put the picture of the numbered rock layers from  Then, in text, place the layers in order from newest to oldest.  Make sure to write about the logic for your placement.  Use the priciples of superposition, cross-cutting relationships, and embedded fragments.  For example, you could write "I know that layer 6 is older than layer 1 because of the principle of superposition."

I think this is the order for youngest to oldest in this strata: First I think that 2 is the youngest because of the cross-cutting then I would say 3  also because of the cross-cutting. I think that 4 would be next because it is also at the top and near the bottom which I think that would be called embedded fragments. I would say 1 goes then 6 because of superposition. I would say that 5 is the oldest because of superposition also.

Jaclyn Salevsky Science White B3

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16 Science Homework Due Friday 9/18

  • Bob graduates from high school JACLYN SALEVSKY WHITE BLOCK 3
  • Bob loses his first tooth
  • Bob is born
  • Bob is tall enough to ride the roller coaster
  • Bob gets his driver’s license
  • Bob gets married
  • Bob joins the Marines
  • Bob starts middle school
Were there any events that could have gone in different order? Which ones?
Yes, almost all of them are out of order. I think that they should go like this:
  • Bob is born
  • Bob loses his first tooth
  • Bob is tall enough to ride the roller coaster
  • Bob starts middle school
  • Bob gets his driver’s license
  • Bob graduates from high school
  • Bob joins the Marines
  • Bob gets married
How long ago was Bob born?
I think that Bob was born about 25-26 years ago. I think this because when you graduate from middle school, you are usually 14. Then when you graduate high school you are 18. Then I gave him a few years that he has joined the military, and also a lot of people join the military right after they have graduated. I also added 1 year to his age to meet his wife and to get married.